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Consensual reality assumes a perpetual "normal" state of consciousness. The more closed a system is, the less tolerant it is of deviation. To the extent that we can talk about it, the driving force of all "development" is the escape from "normality". For example, from consensual reality into consensual hallucination, i.e. into Gibsonian cyberspace.
Ferenc Kömlődi, 1999





  Today's media world is like a newly discovered continent: unknown landscapes, unknown peoples, unknown languages. And it is usually the youngest, the children, who excel at learning languages. When we think we're protecting them from TV-surfing, the World Wide Web, or role-playing games, we're actually fear for our own power. They learn the language, they can handle it. When they need to make decisions in a split second, to simultaneously handle a flood of information from multiple channels, they do it automatically. No wonder: their whole life up to now has been about nothing but embracing complexity and chaos.
Ferenc Kömlődi, 1999